eHealthCare - End to End Laboratory Digitalization

End to end Clinical Laboratory digitalization with Guardian Lab Systems


Guardian Lab systems was designed to automate and simplify your laboratory operation so that you can focus solely on the value adding components

How can Guardian Lab Systems Help You

Designed to cater to the needs of
all stake holders

Owner, Director, CEO,CFO

Revenue, GP Projections
Greater Visibility
Revenue Trend Analysis
MIS Reports
Custom Dashboards
Inventory oversight


On the go Result Validation
Critical Value Identification
QC Integration
Test Result History (Delta Check)
Clinical Trend Analysis
Tag Special Parameters for Consultant Validation


Lower TAT
Monitor Turn Around Time
Handle Larger workloads
Share Data between Departments
Multi Level Verification
Test Mix Analysis
Inventory Automation

Medical Lab

Single Point Patient Data Entry
Prevent Transcription Errors
Use the Correct Tube
Reference Ranges
Abnormal Identification
Maintain Patient Profile
Automate Report Delivery to Patients

Key Feature highlight
Delta Check

(Patient Result History)

A delta check is a quality control method that involves the comparison of laboratory test results with results obtained on previous samples from the same patient. Delta checks can be programmed into the laboratory's computer system to detect an error.

Better Result Validation - MLT

For Abnormal Results (results outside the Reference Range), validate the result by checking the previous test results of the same patient to rule out analytical issues like - sample contamination, sample mix – up, instrument calibration, reagent / QC issues

Better issue identification will result in lower number of Re-Runs

Prognosis Benefit – Clinician / Consultant

In-ward Clinician / Consultant - Verify the effectiveness of the treatments at the ward by viewing the sequence of test results of a particular patient

External Clinician / Consultant – better insights in the Test Report as the results of the previous 4 test results can be outputted in the test report

Proven track Record


Test Counts Processed


Intruments Interfaced



Our Products

Not “Just Another Software Company” - designed by healthcare professionals for healthcare professionals

Digitalize the entire diagnostic process from sample collection to report delivery

End to end tracking of inventory stocks and the related cost

Take informed decisions regarding your business aided by data

Trusted by leading Healthcare Providers

What the Experts Say

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